Monday, March 28, 2011


Last night, as I was putting Krish to sleep, he was going through his routine – he would ask for amma and I would ask him what she is doing and he would say ollalayi. As he drifted off to sleep, I was telling Eswar how he is going to miss my mom and he was like, all of us are going to miss her. True. Sitting in the den working on a Monday morning, I smell the ollakayengi-kathrika fry and I hear the TV and the little fella and mummy talking and laughing. All this for another month. Sigh. Remind me of this moment of contentment, to come and look at it, hug it and wrap it around me, when I miss my mummy.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Some Gyan

I did some recording of some learning program and I got back some great feedback. One even said that I will be a star. Did it make me happy? Of course it did. For the time it took me to analyze and realize that what I did was nothing great. The job did not require me to be intelligent or make intelligent decisions. It did not utilize any of my inherent talents, whatever those may be , it was just a case of being at the ‘right place at the right time’ by being ‘the employee available to be bakra’.

Lesson: Things that push my limits are what make me happy

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Random ramblings

Random ramblings, isn’t that all I do?

1)I love facebook. What is not to love, no? I mean, at any given time, there are hundreds of people entertaining you with their latest photos or with some inane status update. But I love facebook a little more today because I got a request from an estranged cousin. And surprise, he says he is an atheist. I am most impressed.

2)I think I will have 3 kids. One of my colleagues is having his fourth baby! And I am so intoxicated with the picture of having so many kids around me that I want to have at least three and hopefully one daughter, named Sanghamitra. See, I got a spell check for the name and I have added it to my dictionary. Good omen. Of my own making.

3)Now some Krish news. I have to, come on, my entire life revolves around him. He loves Rachel Ray, now that, we all know. But now, it’s almost turning to an obsession Last week, after her program, this boy cries and cries, wanting her back. So, from the next day, my smart mom would make him say bye to her when she’s finishing her show. But yesterday, this boy refused to say bye to her as she was finishing up and wailed and cried and threw a general tantrum for half an hour after she went! He waves me off ‘bye’ dutifully every day .Hmmm, clear about his priorities, my boy.

4)I do dumbass things on a daily basis like I spill petrol all over the petrol bunk when I am re-fueling and equally or more stupid things. And just now, I did another very embarrassing thing and want the earth to open up and swallow me whole. Let’s just leave out what I did, okay?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How do you define empathy?

Do you put yourself in that person’s place, literally? I do. If it is a Tsunami, I imagine being there in those persons shoes. I imagine what I would think and feel as I see the water gushing. I imagine feeling hopelessly helpless as I see my loved ones being carried away. I imagine gasping for breath and drowning and I.don’ That is why I absolutely do not like empathising with others. I absolutely hate it!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Life as is now

Friday and so general Friday TP
1) I ate Broccoli with hot sauce and then just couldn’t stop eating the sauce. Was eating it directly from the bottle. And the sauce in just chilly flakes in oil. To stop myself, I kept in the cupboard, far away from where I sit, I still couldn’t stop, so next threw away the spoon. Now, finally, I have stuffed my mouth with chocolates to get rid of the taste!I 'think' I have added a picture of the sauce. Gee, i had to google to find out how to post pictures! Looser!!
2) I read “If you let people see the cracks in your surface, that is where they will find a way in”. Agree?
3) Am driving to NY today. Came to office only at 8.30 but can leave at 3 now because BL is not there.

Sanghamitra calls me...

If I have a daughter and if I name her Sanghamitra, will she truly hate me??

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Krishy says...

I am 21 months old and!Mummy, this is four your information, so that the next time when someone asks you that, you are supposed to say, yes, he does, instead of a vague, 'I think so?'! Yeah, just because my language does not resemble yours does not mean that i do not speak! So, now that we have established that i talk, these are what the words in my language mean. This is to enable you to converse with me. jeez, how low I need to stoop..

Lets start with simple things and move onto complicated things.Also remember one word could mean multiple things.You need to look around to see what are the things there that start with that letter.
1)wawa means water
2)pee means spoon; hey, common people, your language is not the be all and end all.
3)ba means a lot of things. If there is a banana, then it is that, mostly it is that. Do you know, banana is almost my favourite fruit? I like most fruits, though grapes and blackberries top the list after bananas.
3)meaw-meaw means cap or derived from your language word of moodi.
4)papi is for milk and when patti is around it means her.
5)chi means chitthi
6)nanny means aunty
7)pho is for phone and fa is for fan. i thought I'll keep it simple there.
8)I also say funny things for yogurt & bottle.
9)Ray - is for Rachel Ray (if you don't know that, please go watch Food network).Do you know that is also my favourite channel? I mean its just soo cool and Ray looks soo pretty. Mommy says that my face lights up when I see her. What can i say, i am just soo happy to see her. I am not very fond of cartoons. Bah!, whats in them! Amama thinks that she can cheat me. ha, I know when it is not food network and i make her change back. hey, also I simply love ads. Whereever I am, i can recongnise when the ads start and I am there in the wink of an eye. My favourite advertisement is the one on Progressive insurance. Isn't she pretty too? Can't decide who is prettier though, that lady in the ad or Rachel Ray..

Anyway, coming back to my speaking skills, I also condescend to speak a few words in your language like kela(down), bye, hi, Bobby (Bobby Flay; again Food network; Do you know I can even recongnise his voice when i am upstairs?), bua (food) and of course the usual mummy, daddy, amma.I also say Kri, short for Krish. Nowadays, I am also stringing in words together into simple sentences to make people's lives a little easier.

I think I am a nice kid (mummy adds on 'sometime' when ever she says this, mean, i say). I love clinging onto mummy's arm while sleeping. She is threatening to put me on a separate bed. Lets see.I say bye when mummy and daddy leave for work. I love being out and hate coming back home after a outing. When we enter our community, I know we are back and try to throw a tantrum, chumma trying to see if they would take me out again, but no such luck so far, however that shouldn't deter me from trying, no? What else do I do, hmmm, wait, I help mummy while grocery shopping, I push the cart!I also help mummy with the laundary.
Well, thats all for now. Will be back with more updates. Do you know i have to go to school soon? Sigh.