The story of my life. I am confused. Again. And pray what can it be but my PhD.
I feel I need to make a firm decision and as usual I am vacillating. Nowadays I am a great believer of focus which then translates to ‘No Multitasking’. And then there is the other part of my brain that says , Of course, if I can cut down on all the non-essential things and then I do have a lot of time.
So, I went for a long walk and arrived at the following conclusions.
1. I will go ahead and at least write my screening exam. Now again, this sentence sounds sooo unfocussed. I mean, doesn’t it sound like I am going to be doing a half assed job already?
2. Unnecessary things I spend a lot of time on – Facebook, Reading Blogs.
3. See, my work is manageable, so, I should make efficient use of the rest of my time. Planning right in the morning with strict allocation of time helps.
4. Focus. Deep Focus. Deeper Focus which is nothing but living in the moment fully and completely.
5. However, the most important thing - I have to at peace with my decision.