Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Silly mommy...

If watched unobserved, we will be heard having these conversations..

1)You are the handsomessst boy in the whole whole world!

2)You are my favouretist person in the whole whole world!

3)Why are you so cute? why? why? You should give some of this cuteness to mummy!

4) Your ears are sooo tasty. Shall i eat them up?

4)We generally ask daddy "which one of us has got the sexier thighs?" and your daddy as per his norm, plain ignores us.

My son a bully?!!

Yesterday, when i went to pick up Krishy I was quite shocked to see him slapping a little girl! there was this little, very pretty girl sitting there, minding her own business and playing. Our man goes and slaps her! And that little one starts crying. My heart broke!
What is worse? You kid being the bully or the week one who gets bullied?

Highpoint of my day

There are some moments which make life worth living, which make the day to day living bearable. For me it is the time I go to pick up Krish in the evenings. It is a moment of pure pleasure and torture! All i want to do is go and smother him but I wait and watch him play and the moment when he realizes I am there, the joyous smile that transforms his face is the moment I live for every day! And then he would come rushing to me leaving whatever he was playing with!

Krish at 11 months

My little baby with long hair and the shy smile is now a boy with naughty eyes, short hair and quite a temper! Krishy is 11 months!!

Now, lets see the changes in him.hmmm.. He is getting his first tooth and its in the upper right side. It ss quite a relief!I have friend's whose kids got theirs at 4 months!The only consolation was I had not heard of anybody not getting their teeth at all! So, i figured he will get it sometime! This weekend we had a quite a photo section and managed to capture some snaps of his tooth which was quite a feat, with me pulling his lips apart and making him sit still!

He still isn't walking independently but he is walking more confidently with support, if that is possible:). He loves the walker. Within a blink of the eye he goes from one corner of the room to the other and then once he is stuck, he will cry for us to come and turn it. god! it gets quite tiring and there are days when i hide the walker!:)yeah, meeean mommy again:)

He also babbles quite a lot.God! he can be quite a talker and can babble continuously! He now knows to repeat simple things like mama and dada after us. He actually calls out to his daddy with his sweet 'dada' and it is just plain adorable!He calls me mama too but then we know that is going to be rarer than his dada:)

His favourite game - Ringa-ringa-roses! Whenever he wants to play that, he comes and holds my hands and shakes his body left to right which is my cue. And half way through he would sit down:). One day I wanted to see how much of it he actually understood and sang another song(i am a disco dancer, lol, I don't know why i like that song!) and he didnot sit!!My smart son:)

His favourite people - Miss Margaret and his daddy.Well, what can i say?Thats the way of the world!:)
He is also developing his personality and quite a temper along the way! When people experience it for the first time, they are so shocked! Its all the more shocking because He looks very sweet with this very shy smile and the temper tantrums so don't go with that picture!

But i will continue to say this at the end all his monthly update posts - he still is a very easygoing, sweet intelligent boy who make me very proud:)
Happy 11 month birthday bubba!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Celebration:what say?

This was an invite from one of my friend for one of his party's. beautiful and nostalgic:)

A winter evening.
Four friends.
One rain.
Four glasses of chai.
Hundred bucks of gas.
A rusty old bike.
And an open road.
Maggi noodles.
A hostel room.
4.25 a.m.
3 old friends.
3 separate cities.
3 coffee mugs.
1 internet messenger.
Rain on a hot tin roof.
Pakoras deep-frying.
Neighbours dropping in.
A party.
You and mom.
A summer night.
A bottle of coconut oil.
A head massage.
Gossiping about absent family members.

Mean mommie...

..thats me!:)To substantiate -

1)Remember, I had written before how Krish understands what I say and how when he goes near the lamp and I ask him to come back(not to forget the stern tone) and he does, well, I wanted to catch it on video, so, this is what I do, I throw the ball he is playing with near the lamp and when he goes there, I scream at him to come back. And then capture that on video! Yeah, i know, mean me but all for a good cause:)

2)This i really really feel very bad about. I was feeding Krish his dinner and he sneezes with his mouth full of food. And i yell at him!Yeah, meanesssttt mommy! My excuse, the food was all over the place - the carpet, his clothes, my clothes, his highchar! Never said I was perfect:)!

Will end with some of my today's thoughts:)

1) Living in the moment, why is it so difficult?
2) Thinking with complete consciousness not half consciousness, again why so difficult?
3) Why does the mind wonder?
4) When do we focus? – Is it interest?
5) You can only change yourself .You cannot change the world. Don’t even try!
6)The world is a funnier place with different viewpoints especially the ones that are totally different from yours.
7)Observing yourself as if from outside, especially when you don’t know why you are behaving irrationally! Funny experience, no?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Adventurous cooking..Chopsuey, turkey burgers and 'soy fry'

I was never very interested in cooking. I was never one of those 'cook and feed others' kind of a person. I like quick cooking and i do not mind eating the same stuff eveyday. But now food network has spoiled me and blame that too on my mom. I used to be addicted to HGTV but now thanks to my mom, I have started watching HGTV and actually try out new things! Also, now what with Eswar gone during the week and having to manage this lil fella alone, I cook only during weekends and maybe that too has added to the 'fascination'.
And this weekend was quite an adventurous one and the best part of these 3 recipes are that I just randomly tried it without looking into the internet or a book!

1.Chopsuey - I have to acknowledge Deepti for this. I actually wanted to try a Thai curry and went looking for Thai curry paste. But I couldn't find it and instead saw this 'bean noodly' kind of a thing which they said can be used for soups, salads and can also be fried and I just picked it up. So Saturday morning when i was wondering what to cook I remembered this Chopsuey that Deepti and I would have in a small, tacky place near Commercial Street. I and my friends(Deepti and Sathya) are kind of wierd that way. We would eat in the same places and also watch the s.a.m.e. movie. Well, lets leave at that and not name the movie:)Anyway to continue with the story after that complete digression, I called Deepti and asked her if she remembered that taste and what they could have put into the Chopsuey :) So, this is how I finally made it-
Fried the noodles (lets call them that) and set it aside.
For the sauce, I fried onions, minced garlc, green chillies and then added ajina mota, soy sauce and some chillie sauce.Brought to a aboil. Also added all purpose flour to thicken the consistency.
That is the recipe.

Now, do not expect full fledged recipes in this blog - 1) I do not like writing so much 2)I do not seriously think anybody wants to try these. these are mostly for my reference:)

2. Turkey burgers: These came out really well.
Mixed finely chopped onions, green chillies, salt, chillie powder, dhanya powder, grama masala to the minced turkey. Made patties and shallow fried them.

3.Soy fry: I picked this minced soy in Trader Joe. It looked like meat! This is what I did with this. I beat onions, green chillies, salt and eggs together. I fried the minced soy (now, I suspect this was pre-cooked. It also had things like salt and masala mixed in it)and added the eggs and everything. And fried it:)

This was a principle that I tried newly in the burger and the soy fry. i did not fry the onions and chillies and this gave a very good bite and crunch which I absolutely loved!

Maybe, maybe nexttime I will post snaps of things I cook. Lets see:)

yeah! its the 20th post and a very random one!

Can't believe lazy me has written 20 of these! Anyway as mentioned a random random one.

1. I love office outlook. As any normal person, I did not like to move out of my comfort zone and was not too happy to move out of Lotus Notes. But now I heart Office.It has this amazing calender organization feature, where you can organize your task to today, tomorrow, this week, next week etc..I was sitting there reading some blogs and general tp and feeling guilty like hell. To be fair, I had a very busy morning and compleyed lots of stuff but it was just this very nagging feeling of things not being done. So, I play around this orgazer a bit, arrange all my tasks and am very happy now. Needless to say after all that organization, I do not have any tasks for today:))I heart Office Outlook.

2. Naughty Krish. He is. he really is. He toppled a lamp day before and so, yesterday when he was going near it, I told him in a very stern voice to come back and he did! But the naughty part was , while I was not looking, he was hurriedly sneaking to it and looking back to see if I was looking!

3.I thought this was funny - We were in an open shopping mall and walking from one shop to another. there were these 3 guys in shorts walking in front of us.
Me: Why do guys wear shorts!?. They look sooo terrible in them. i mean look at their skinny legs and hairy too! Can't they at least shave them! I have never seen any guy look good in shorts! Why are they wearing them!??
Eswar: Because it is hot?

4.Some philosophy - I seem to like most all seasons except winter here, which may seem obvious, I mean why would anybody like this cold! But i also like the cloudy, rainy days and I was just wondering why? I realised that each of these seasons have some memories, smells, tastes, activities associated with them. I love spring and the flowers, I love summer and the fans, i love rainy days, a cup of hot coffee and a book. But no winter! why? maybe there are no memories associated with snow and this chill?

Monday, May 10, 2010

My first mother's day

Picture this if you can...I am in bed at say around 10.30. The boys have been up for a while. They both come up and I kind of open an eye and Eswar is teaching Krish to say mama and what say, Krish actually says it!!! So, that was my very very special first mother's day:)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Krish waved bye..

Yeah, he did! I have been teaching him to wave bye to his 'teachers' when I pick him up in the evenings. And today morning when I dropped him and said bye (note, I did not wave, I just said bye), he waved!! Made my day!:)

While we are here, Krish and I went on a little adventure yesterday and that is all I am going to say about it. Eswar will shoot me if he knew.So, we will leave it at that:) After that we got into the car and went to Acme and what did our little man do, sitting on the cart? He was happily babbling and it wasn't even the normal babbling, it was quite a tongue twister. Can't do it even if I tried:)

Monday, May 3, 2010

First mundan?

Well, if we try reallly hard, maybe we can call it that. Thinking back, it was quite funny. Krish sat on his dad's lap in our patio and daddy cut his hair from the center thrice. After which we took him to hair cuttery and cut his hair. He was really good and did not fuss too much and did not cry at all! Of course it helped that he was sitting om mama's lap:) So, that was the grand mundan ceremony and af course lets not forget that this is not the 'final' one.
What to say, he now , I think looks like a boy:). I was tired of people saying 'She has lovely eyes!'. Well, I wish he din't!

This is Eswar's take on it-

E: You wanted a girl so much that he looks like a girl.
Me: Yeah, right! all of you prayed for a boy so much that he was born as a boy & looks like a girl.

Never mind:)