Wednesday, May 12, 2010

yeah! its the 20th post and a very random one!

Can't believe lazy me has written 20 of these! Anyway as mentioned a random random one.

1. I love office outlook. As any normal person, I did not like to move out of my comfort zone and was not too happy to move out of Lotus Notes. But now I heart Office.It has this amazing calender organization feature, where you can organize your task to today, tomorrow, this week, next week etc..I was sitting there reading some blogs and general tp and feeling guilty like hell. To be fair, I had a very busy morning and compleyed lots of stuff but it was just this very nagging feeling of things not being done. So, I play around this orgazer a bit, arrange all my tasks and am very happy now. Needless to say after all that organization, I do not have any tasks for today:))I heart Office Outlook.

2. Naughty Krish. He is. he really is. He toppled a lamp day before and so, yesterday when he was going near it, I told him in a very stern voice to come back and he did! But the naughty part was , while I was not looking, he was hurriedly sneaking to it and looking back to see if I was looking!

3.I thought this was funny - We were in an open shopping mall and walking from one shop to another. there were these 3 guys in shorts walking in front of us.
Me: Why do guys wear shorts!?. They look sooo terrible in them. i mean look at their skinny legs and hairy too! Can't they at least shave them! I have never seen any guy look good in shorts! Why are they wearing them!??
Eswar: Because it is hot?

4.Some philosophy - I seem to like most all seasons except winter here, which may seem obvious, I mean why would anybody like this cold! But i also like the cloudy, rainy days and I was just wondering why? I realised that each of these seasons have some memories, smells, tastes, activities associated with them. I love spring and the flowers, I love summer and the fans, i love rainy days, a cup of hot coffee and a book. But no winter! why? maybe there are no memories associated with snow and this chill?

1 comment:

Deepti Pawar said...

No, you DO NOT like fans. Why would you like fans? Why would ANYONE like fans??

So...You DO NOT. Period!

No further talk on this, please.