Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Supermoms and all..

Supermoms - So, how do you define a supermom?
I don’t actually think anybody can be a supermom unless somehow they have more than 24 hours in a day. I mean, there is only so much you can do in a day and you would be compromising on some thing. However having said that (I love this phrase, it sounds so quaint and Victorian) , I am going to compete for the supermom of the year. You see, not only am I going to have to manage Krish alone once my mom leaves, but have also gone and gotten myself enrolled into a PhD program (yay to me). So let’s see, Krish, my job, PhD, home which includes cooking and cleaning and not to mention the weekend commuting. Yes, I definitely qualify. So, what am I going to compromise on? Just for the fun of it let me order my priorities and I will come back latter and see if I am following through.

1) Krish – Okay, no surprise there.

2) Cooking – Now, that is a surprise. Again, it comes down to my little fella. I want him to eat healthy, wholesome food and all that:)

3) My job AND my PhD - Actually, my job has never been a stress factor for me. Ever. I know, lucky me. I think I can juggle between the two of them.

4) Cleaning – No surprise here, this comes last, even though I love cleaning and seeing a clean home. Nothing gives me more satisfaction that this Yes, I love even bathroom cleaning. But this may take a back seat. Something has to.

But unfortunately for me and everybody around me, we all know that it is not going to play out like this. Let us again, not for the fun of it but for me and everybody around me to be sane, play out different scenarios and how I am supposed to react to it.

Scenario 1: I would not have completed my assignment. Me being me, I would have pushed it until the very last minute. So the day before I have to submit my assignment, I will expect Krish to behave in the evening and let me finish it or I will expect him to be a model baby and have his dinner and go to sleep which knowing the way of things, will not happen on that particular day even if he has been model baby until then.
I am supposed to not procrastinate but finish my assignments on time preferably, no compulsorily, the very next day after my class.

Scenario 2: I would have planned to cook something special but Krish will turn out to be cranky that day.
I am supposed to be flexible enough to change my plans and have Maggi. The keyword - ‘flexibility’.

Scenario 3: My house is dirty, like very dirty and the bathrooms are stinking and I have an unfinished assignment to be submitted the next day and I want to cook something delicious because I am craving to eat sambhar and Krish is being cranky and something urgent has come up at work.
Of course, I am supposed to call Eswar and cuss and regret the day I married him.

So we see there is a pattern, not being able to do what I want because I have to deal with another person whose will I cannot bend. This is why I love writing, it helps me organize my thoughts and my nobel prize winning ideas. Anyhoo, the point of this post is I need to be flexible, combine it with other noble attributes like discipline and rigor and time management and I may end up getting the award. Remember what Darwin said - “It is not the strongest nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

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