My resolution is to write something at least four times a
There are two primary reasons why I wanted to start
blogging. One, I felt like life was passing by too fast and I felt this urgent
need to chronicle it and second, I think some or any kind of creative work
makes you a happier and positive person. Some days it is easy to write but some
days like today it is difficult but I wanted to keep up.
Today I am penning something that I am really working hard and
investing a lot of conscious time on – relationships. It is very easy to take
them for granted and get carried away with the day to day life. I am trying to
be present in the moment and putting in time and effort into all my
relationships especially with the boys, husband and my parents. This means a
lot of things are taking the back seat especially the house. It is nowhere near
the neat and tidy image I have of it. I want to re-organize the whole place to suit
the current functionality with two kids and one almost crawling but I have to consciously
let go. I have to choose to go out and play with Krish instead of trying to
organize the pantry, sitting down for a quiet meal and just talking instead of
hurrying up and going to the next cleaning job, taking the time to Skype and
just chat, just taking the time to be present.
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