Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mean mommie...

..thats me!:)To substantiate -

1)Remember, I had written before how Krish understands what I say and how when he goes near the lamp and I ask him to come back(not to forget the stern tone) and he does, well, I wanted to catch it on video, so, this is what I do, I throw the ball he is playing with near the lamp and when he goes there, I scream at him to come back. And then capture that on video! Yeah, i know, mean me but all for a good cause:)

2)This i really really feel very bad about. I was feeding Krish his dinner and he sneezes with his mouth full of food. And i yell at him!Yeah, meanesssttt mommy! My excuse, the food was all over the place - the carpet, his clothes, my clothes, his highchar! Never said I was perfect:)!

Will end with some of my today's thoughts:)

1) Living in the moment, why is it so difficult?
2) Thinking with complete consciousness not half consciousness, again why so difficult?
3) Why does the mind wonder?
4) When do we focus? – Is it interest?
5) You can only change yourself .You cannot change the world. Don’t even try!
6)The world is a funnier place with different viewpoints especially the ones that are totally different from yours.
7)Observing yourself as if from outside, especially when you don’t know why you are behaving irrationally! Funny experience, no?

1 comment:

Deepti Pawar said...

You got me hooked on those thoughts lady.. gimme more!