Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Funny man Krish

It's easier writing in points. So, henceforth, all my posts are going to be in points:)
1) Pictute this - Mummy is in the kitchen cooking.Now, kitchen is Krish's favourite room. I can has treasures everywhere from the bin to the coutless shelves and cupboards..So, mummy very sternly tells him to go back to the living room and play there. So, what does this funny man do? He shakes his forefinger at my mom implying a 'no, no'! So, rule no. 1, no talking sternly to him.
Rule no. 2: No laughing. I mean no laughing period. He doesn't like it. He thinks we are laughing at him!
2)Now, since mmmy is here, she has taught Krish a lot of things. He points to various things like flower, tree, birds etc..She has also taught him 'parts of the body'. When we say head, nose, ear, tummy, hand, leg, Krish very obediently points out the respective parts but mind you it has to be in that same very order! So, the other day, when mummy asked him head, he after pointing out his head hurried on with the rest of them without even being asked! My funny man is just sooo hilarious!!

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