Monday, September 15, 2014

Layered Conversations

I have realized that with 5 year olds you can never assume their reasoning is the same as yours. Krish and I have the most interesting layered conversations.

Krish: I want to have a sleep over with Emily.
I just assumed that Emily was his new best friend because she was not in his group the last couple of years. We were in the car and because I was paying attention to what he was saying, I asked him why.
Krish: because I want to show her my glow-in-the-dark t-shirt.
After another why, I got to know that she too has one of those and they wanted to compare them when it is dark :)

Krish: Cooper is now my best friend.
Krish: Because we both watch Wild Kratts.

Krish: Winter is my favourite season.
Krish: Because I can build a snowman and then come back inside and get warm and cosy and drink hot chocolate.

Learnt my lesson, now all his statements follow a religious why pattern. I am the most annoying mom:)
On milestones: Krish has just started his violin class and he looks absolutely adorable with it!
 And his first day in Kindergarten.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Rudu at seven months, Krish at five years and my life right now..


Rudu sits, crawls and stands.Krish took three rigorous swimming classes and has become very confident and has proceeded to the third level (Ray). He is cycling confidently without training wheels.
I am not a great milestone keeper. I go out of my way and try not to follow what they are supposed to do at this age kind of stuff. I border on rudeness when I don’t ask back parents how old their babies or kids are. Can’t we just enjoy the kids for what they are without sizing them up against our kids? But with near zero recollecting prowess's, I feel I need to chronicle their milestones somewhere!
For all the reasons people give to have multiple kids, the one I have heard most frequently is to give their kids siblings. So true! On a completely different note, I have noticed that moms who have been only kids are the ones most likely to have a single baby. However, dads who were the only kids want their kids to have siblings. Just a hypothesis.
 I love watching these two interact. They both torture each other in their own little ways, Rudu wants everything that Krish has and Krish smothers him, wakes him up with all his shouting and screaming  and annoys him by kissing his feet (yuck, I know but he has got a serious foot fetish :) ).
I think it was good decision to keep Krish at home this summer, the two of them really bonded, though it drove us all crazy!
Our life right now, mummy is still here, so still getting to eat wholesome, delicious Indian food. Eswar is very busy with work and the gym workouts:)
My schedule has been pretty flexible so far. With no school trips, it has been quite relaxed. I get back home, chat over a cup of coffee, or take these boys to the park, or go out play with Krish or took him swimming. Another month of this:)
Books I read – Vacationers
TV - Zilch

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


My resolution is to write something at least four times a week.
There are two primary reasons why I wanted to start blogging. One, I felt like life was passing by too fast and I felt this urgent need to chronicle it and second, I think some or any kind of creative work makes you a happier and positive person. Some days it is easy to write but some days like today it is difficult but I wanted to keep up.
Today I am penning something that I am really working hard and investing a lot of conscious time on – relationships. It is very easy to take them for granted and get carried away with the day to day life. I am trying to be present in the moment and putting in time and effort into all my relationships especially with the boys, husband and my parents. This means a lot of things are taking the back seat especially the house. It is nowhere near the neat and tidy image I have of it. I want to re-organize the whole place to suit the current functionality with two kids and one almost crawling but I have to consciously let go. I have to choose to go out and play with Krish instead of trying to organize the pantry, sitting down for a quiet meal and just talking instead of hurrying up and going to the next cleaning job, taking the time to Skype and just chat, just taking the time to be present.