Monday, September 15, 2014

Layered Conversations

I have realized that with 5 year olds you can never assume their reasoning is the same as yours. Krish and I have the most interesting layered conversations.

Krish: I want to have a sleep over with Emily.
I just assumed that Emily was his new best friend because she was not in his group the last couple of years. We were in the car and because I was paying attention to what he was saying, I asked him why.
Krish: because I want to show her my glow-in-the-dark t-shirt.
After another why, I got to know that she too has one of those and they wanted to compare them when it is dark :)

Krish: Cooper is now my best friend.
Krish: Because we both watch Wild Kratts.

Krish: Winter is my favourite season.
Krish: Because I can build a snowman and then come back inside and get warm and cosy and drink hot chocolate.

Learnt my lesson, now all his statements follow a religious why pattern. I am the most annoying mom:)
On milestones: Krish has just started his violin class and he looks absolutely adorable with it!
 And his first day in Kindergarten.